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Levelmaker Chapter 95

       Hey, chapter is a little late, I think? can't be sure. running on a wake/sleep schedule of 24/10 hours cause I'm some kinda real freakin' stupid
       Apparently these chapters get kinda long after the first 2-3 arcs? I'm not there yet, but I'm already dreading it. Translating doesn't take long, it just runs down your SAN. I'm sure I'll get more efficient over time though. 
       MTL release first, editing to follow. Editing finsished

the japanese raw is here:

needless to say this is a fan translation, I don't own this.

       It seems that everyone was waiting in the lobby while we were talking.

       Mika is walking next to me now.

       Lahand-san notices us and calls out.

"Oh, Alim, Mika. What were you talking about?"

       I slowly calmed down and said,

"We are ... childhood friends"

       Everyone standing there had a surprised expression... Well, except for Gabaina-san ... At the same time, a joyful expression is seen.

       Gabaina-san opened his mouth first.

"So it was that after all. I was wondering if there was some kind of deep relationship there."

       Lahand-san, however, raises some questions.

"Huh? Gabaina, how do you figure that?"

“When I was working with Alim, she would mutter the name Mika in her sleep a number of times. And there was a common denominator, amnesia. I thought it was her sister. I didn't know it was her childhood friend."

       Is that so. So I didn't just sleep talk in front of Kahlua, I had done it in front of Gabaina as well.

       He said it really bluntly, didn't he.

       Margo-san says happily;

"Oh, then both of you got back your memories!"

"No ... My memory isn't back."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

       Gogg-san's question is fair. Mika answered it.

"I remembered being a childhood friend, but I didn't completely regain my memory ..."

"is that so……"

       When I say that, everyone looks disappointed.

       Meanwhile, Lahand-san asks Mika.

"Mika, what are you going to doing? I bet you're gonna stay with your childhood friend Alim, right?"

"I will, yes!"

"I see"

       Saying that, Lahand-san gently strokes Mika's head.

       And he said to me and Mika:

"You guys, you seem get along pretty well. In the end, you were reunited!"

“Yes! ...... Thank you Lahand-san... Thank you very much.”

"Thank you for helping Mika too, Lahand-san."

"No, it's all good"

       That's right, be happy and laugh.

       Gabaina-san started preparing to go home.

"Alim, I'm glad that you found your childhood friend, but, sorry, I have an errand to run."


"See you"

       Saying so, Gabaina patted the both of us on the head, tells Lahand-san not to go too crazy, apologizes to Uruto for going so suddenly, and leaves .

       Lahand-san's group started putting together their luggage too, probably because Gabaina-san left.

"Then we're gonna go, too. Gogg, Margo. It'd be bad to keep bothering them."

"Yep, yep! Mika-chan, see you again!"

"Well, maybe we'll come back again"

"Yes! Sometime in the near future"

"Thank you so much for your help!"

"Thank you. Alim, thanks for the medicine."

       Lahand-san patted our heads, thanked Uruto, and went home.

       The only ones here are us and Uruto.

       I told Uruto-san.

"Uruto-san, it's about the inn."

"Yeah? if it's a double room, you don't need to pay extra. You're girls, no problem."

"Oh, thank you very much"

       Did he understand the situation? My room is quite large and there are two rooms.

       Besides, I haven't put anything in my room, so I'm not worried about the location.

       Mika said to Uruto.

"Um ... Uruto-san. Thank you."

"Mm-mm, it's all good. Anyway, I'm glad Arim-chan. You always seemed pretty lonely."

"Eh? Right?"

"Ah, yeah. Fufu, aren't you being to mean to me (lit. aren't you licking me too much)"

       No, you're an SSS ranker and I don't feel like licking you. (TN: I'm REALLY hoping I got this right and it's a pun?)

       Anyway, we were taken to the room.

"Mika, this is your room. I'll be back to work. See you."

       Uruto-san then went back to the lobby.

"Wow ... a big room ..."
"In what way? How do you want to set up the room, Mika; do you want to divide?"

"no, that's okay Yumu. Because you see, Alim is 'FEMALE'.... correct? Just put another bed in the room!"

       Uh, don't you care about saying the girl part a little more strongly?

"ye... yeah. I am a girl, hovever."

"Yep, you are a girl."

"I can take a bath with you."


"I don't feel like that, so it's okay."

"Is that right? Did you actually become a girl, Yume?"
       Uu ... cute! Don't gaze at me with such strong eyes! The previous Mika was cute, but the current Mika is also cute.

       But it's better to say that I can be a man.

"Hmm, have a look?"

"? what?"

       I returned to being a man in front of her

       My face doesn't change, but it's certainly a man's body. Shoulder width and height.

"Eh, you suddenly got taller?"

"Yeah, I can go back to being a man at will."

"Is that so?"

"Would you like to confirm?"


       I've been told that I'm stupid after a long time.


"Really, then it looks like my dream can still come true."

"Hmm? Being a cafe owner?"

"No, not that? it's 'that'?"

       her mojimoji (fidgeting) is so cute!

       She said

"My long-standing dream. to ... to become your.... Yume's wife ... ee ..."

"Oh ......... Oh"

       Your face is bright red.

       …… eh, have you loved me for a really long time?

       I should have confessed earlier.

"But I'll stay as Alim for a while longer. It's fun, like being an idol. I'll get married when I grow up."

"Idiot! You're an idiot! Ugh!"

       Ah, she turned away.






  1. Thanks for the translations!

  2. There's one mistake: "ye... yeah. I am a girl, hovever."
    But thank you so much for translating , you're my light in a tunel in these troubled times.
    Be healhy and enjoy yourself, kind sir

  3. ....

    I kinda want to slap Alim for that last line.

  4. As far as the licking thing is concerned I believe it's a super commonly used idiom generally meaning 'to take something lightly'...machine translators often translate it as licking as that is the literal meaning but based on the context and without seeing the original Japanese I'm pretty sure the idiom meaning applies lol


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