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Levelmaker Chapter 93

Hey, so I tried to contact the previous translator, but they haven't answered yet (I'm not sure if they will). I've got another chapter, and really this chapter was the reason I started angrily translating last night.
MTL release first, and I'll edit it after initial release; like yesterday. Editing finished

the japanese raw is here:

needless to say this is a fan translation, I don't own this.


       The girl worries me, but for the time being, I asked Lahand and Mr. Gabina if they were safe. (TN: do you guys want me to translated the skinhead as The Hand or Lahand? Source: ラハンド )

"Are you okay? Did you get the medicine?"

"Ah, that stuff worked great. Thanks"

"Fufu, that's good. It was my pleasure."

"Sorry about this, Alim. Are you sure it's okay?"

"It's okay, I'm not really bothered."

       Because really, it's not affordable. That's 1.2 million bells each, right?

       While talking to Lahand, a blue-haired boy girl pair approached; greetings took place.

(TN: oh, I really don't like this. will change later)

       The girl thanked me.

"Uhm... Alim ... san"

"It doesn't have to be a honorific."

"Then, then Alim! Thank you for helping Lahand!"

"Fufufun! It's alright!"

"So ... Uhm ... Uhm ..."

       This feeling is strangely strange. This is generally what my fans do when they're in front of me. I've come to understand it recently.

"Cheeks ... can I touch them?"

"Yeah, it's okay. I've heard from Lahand! Margo-san , right?"

"Yeah! Yes! Regards, Alim-chan!"

       Said Margo-san, rubbing my cheek.

"And your brother is Gogg, right?"

"Yeah, yes. I'm honored to meet you."

       This person is a little scared to talk.

       The face may be nice, though.

       Also, I'm thinking about that girl who is about to cry.

"Uh, Lahand-san. What is that girl?"

"Ah, that's the girl we rescued in Hera Forest. Alim, you're about the same age I think? ... Apparently she cant remember a thing."

       is that so. Well, I have a good memory though.

       Oh, poor thing. Is she in the same situation as me? In the world, is that something that happens often?

       That seems  B A D.

"Hello, nice to meet you?"

“Ah ... …… u ………… a ……… he …o… hel… lo”

       Is there something wrong? And it seems like at any moment she's about to cry? I wonder what I did

       Lahand rushes into the conversation when he sees this girl suddenly crying.

"Oh, oh, why are you going to cry? Everything's okay, right? ... Alim, weren't you busy?"

"Well, I was busy, but I ended it right away."

"Oh, it's fast. You defeated the Thunderbird in an instant at that time."

U ~e…… u gu~tsu…… hick……"

"Hey, hey, why are you crying. Does it hurt somewhere?"

       As Lahand says, why is this girl crying?

       Gabina-san seems to know something, but ...

       When I thought so, she shouted at me and called out to me.

"He ... ey ..... please ... in private ... I want to talk  ... okay?"

"Eh, uh... What? Okay? Hey guys, I'm gonna go talk with this girl for a bit."

"ah, yeah, sure. Mika, what's up with you right now

       huh? Mika ...?

       Is this girl Mika ... No, that's not possible.

       Mika and I went to a part of the where there weren't any people.

       I desperately suppressed the urge to swing around and ask her questions myself.

"So ... Mika-chan? What's up?"

       And she lifts her face

       Tears were flowing down her face like a waterfall.

       And she said:

"Hey ... Alim ......... You, you, Ayumu ... Ayumu, right?"

(TN: this sentence is odd,it has a few Japanese words that don't translate well

       I will never forget this moment.



  1. Thanks for the chapter.

  2. Have you even made a slight attempt at contacting anyone at Re:Library because there are a ton of ways to do that. Like I duno joining their discord? ....or dm'ing their Twitter? Come on really have some basic courtesy and put some effort into things...

    1. I messaged Yuki on novelupdates. I couldn't find an email address, what's discord?
      I couldn't find a twitter handle for Yuki


      I have no idea who yuki is, but that is the current translator.

      "what's discord?" uh. A very popular chat and voip platform.

  3. And also please continue translating

  4. Thanks for the chapters.

    That last sentence being broken up like that makes it seem Mika is so emotional that she can't speak properly, which actually works pretty well in context.

    1. yeah, it was more clever in japanese. she refers to Alim as you (female sepcific) and then you (male specific), which isn't really translatable.

  5. if you're having trouble with some sentences have you tried other translating programs? Sometimes other translators give a better translation.

    for example i took this line that you're have trouble with to
    It returned with a translation of "It's Ayumu, isn't it?"


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